Betty Woodworth’s "name tastes like" table
Betty was on HBO's "What on Earth" program in about 1980,
was in the National Enquirer in 1981 under the title "Bizarre Medical Oddity",
and in August 2008 was featured on Oklahoma City's Channel 5. She had
one of several forms of synesthesia, in that she tasted names as they are
spoken, heard, or read. Betty passed away Feb 2, 2023. For details about synesthesia, see bottom of page. |
The following names to Betty taste as follows:
Aaron | RC Cola |
Abby/Abbey | Rabbit stew with dumplings |
Adrian | Salt water |
Aidan | Potato peelings and vinegar |
Al | No taste |
Alaina | Onion soup |
Albert | Aspirin |
Alex | Orange juice and cranberry sauce |
Alexis | Orange juice and floor wax (As Betty pondered the taste, she looked surprised and said, "THAT's an unusual one".) |
Alfred | Aspirin and wet cloth |
Alice | Orange juice and cranberry juice |
Allen | Orange and cranberry juice |
Allena | Cranberry sauce |
Allison | Jellied cranberry sauce |
Ally | Cranberry sauce |
Alton | Salt water |
Amanda | Candy cane |
Amnon | (no taste) |
Amy | Potted meat and mayonnaise |
Andrew | Coke |
Angela | Angel food cake |
Angie | Angel food cake |
Anita | Potato peelings |
Ann | Coins in mouth |
Annya | Ann tastes like metal. No taste for Annya. |
April | Purple violets (She tasted them as a little girl) |
Art | Eraser |
Arthur | Vicks VapoRub |
Asher | Ashes |
Ashleigh / Ashley | Ashes |
Audrey | Salt water |
Barbara | Cherry cobbler |
Bates | Bacon and dates |
Ben | Tea |
Bernice | Coke |
(pronounced "Bear ill") |
No taste together, but separately "bear" tastes like cherry cobbler, and "ill" tastes like cornbread and milk. |
Betty | Hot dog |
Beverly | Chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream |
Blanton | Roast beef and gravy |
Bo | No taste |
Bob | Strawberries |
Bonnie | Biscuit dough |
Brad | Boiled shrimp |
Brantley | Candy cane and canned peaches |
Brenda | Hot cinnamon roll |
Brendan | Ginger bread and hard candy |
Brenlen | Cinnamon roll and canned peaches |
Brian | Custard pie |
Bruce | RC cola |
Bubba | (no taste) |
Bunny | Biscuit dough |
Caitlin | Chocolate cake |
Cal | Sour milk |
Calvin | Milk toast with butter |
Carl | Oil |
Carlene | Motor oil |
Carmelo | Rolo candy bars |
Carol | Cooked carrots |
Cassandra | Salt water |
Cassidy | Vicks Vaporub |
Cathy | Vicks |
Cecile | Pretzel |
Charles | Chili with no beans |
Charlotte | Chocolate covered cherries |
Cheryl | Chocolate covered cherry |
Christelle | Rice Crispies and glass |
Christi | Rice crispies |
Cindy | Chocolate covered cherries |
Claire | Onion soup with bits of celery |
Clifford | Paper clips |
Clint | Modeling clay |
Cody | (no taste) |
Colton | Coal oil and salt water |
Connie | Pecan pie |
Connor | Pecan pie |
Cooper | Potato soup |
Cora | Green beans and vinegar |
Cosmo | Kool Aid out of the box (not mixed yet) |
Craig | Grape juice |
Crys / Kris / Chris | Rice Crispies |
Crystal | Smooth piece of crystal |
Dan | Cranberry sauce |
Dante | First part tastes like coconut, but can't place the second part. |
Darlene | (no taste) |
Darren | No taste at first, then a taste but can't recognize the taste. |
Dave | Raw bacon |
David | Raw bacon |
Davis | Raw bacon |
Dawson | Meatloaf |
Dean | Kidney bean |
Deb | Dumpling |
Deborah | Dumpling |
Dee | (no taste) |
Deeanna | Green beans |
Democrats | No taste. (Answer to question by interviewer "Democrats have no taste" was cut from HBO show she was on in 1979, but TV crew had a good laugh.). |
Dena | Red kidney bean |
Derrick | (no taste) |
Desni | Strawberry Kool Aid |
Devery | Orange sponge cake |
Devin | Turkey dressing |
Diana/Dianna | The last part tastes metallic. The first part has a taste but she can't figure out what it is. She says "Whatever it is, I haven't eaten it yet". |
Diane | (no taste) |
Dolores | Meat loaf |
Don | Coconut |
Donald | Coconut |
Donna | Coconut |
Donny | Shredded coconut |
Dorothy | Meat loaf |
Dotaz | (no taste) |
Doug | Leather |
Durham | (no taste) |
Dylan | Oily salt water |
Edith | Potato peeling |
Edward | Aspirin |
Edwin | 7-up |
Elaine | French onion soup |
Elena | French onion soup mixed with vaseline |
Elijah | Corn meal mush |
Elisa | Orange juice with pulp |
Elizabeth | Strawberry Kool Aid granules out of the package |
Ellen | Marshmallow |
Ellis | Cranberry sauce with no berries |
Elmer | Mashed potatoes with butter |
Ema | Grilled cheese sandwich |
Emily | Grilled cheese sandwich |
Endora | Meatloaf |
Eric | Green beans |
Evelyn | Chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream |
Felicia | Raspberry cake roll-up |
Floyd | Chewing on cloth |
Fran | Pancakes and syrup |
Frances / Francis | French toast with butter and syrup |
Frank | Sugar cookie with red icing |
Fred | Cotton twine |
Gary | Grape nuts |
Gaylynne | Chocolate cake and peaches |
George | Orange juice |
Gigi | Fig Newton |
Ginette (pronounced gee net) | Peanut butter and honey |
Ginny / Gini | Grilled cheese sandwich |
Glen | Peaches |
Glenda | French onion soup |
Glenrose | Peaches and rose petals and hot rolls |
Gloria | Floor wax |
Gracie | Green grapes, peeled |
Graham | Graham cracker |
Grant | Grape juice |
Gwen | Lemonade |
Hanna / Hannah | Banana pudding |
Hayley | Salt water |
Heather | Sheep showers ( see "Jill") |
Helen | Marshmallows |
Hendricks (given name) | Cooked cabbage with butter |
Hillary | Celery |
Holly | Cranberry sauce |
Irene | Green beans |
Hubert | Orange sherbet |
Isaiah | Mush |
Ivy | Green leaf |
Jack | Carmel corn |
Jaclyn | Caramel corn |
Jacob | Salted nuts |
Jalayne | (no taste) |
Jamal | Vanilla pudding |
James | Coins in mouth |
Jan | Cranberry sauce |
Janet | Banana pudding |
Janice | Banana |
Jay | Navy Beans |
Jeanne / Gene | Metallic |
Jedidiah | 7-up and dry cloth |
Jeff | Grilled cheese sandwich |
Jennifer | Vinegar |
Jerel | Chocolate and cherries |
Jeremy | Cherries |
Jerrie / Jerry | Chocolate covered cherries |
Jeryl | Chocolate cake with cherry icing |
Jesse | Grilled cheese sandwich |
Jill |
Sheep showers (
a small plant with yellow flowers) |
Jim | Sand |
Jo/Joe | Raisons |
Joan | Tea |
Joann | Orange juice |
Joel | Raisons |
Johanne | Waffle |
John / Jon | Waffle syrup |
Johnathan | Waffle with butter and syrup |
Jonah | Tea |
Joseph | Raisons |
Josephine | Raisins and Vicks Vaporub |
Joy | Orange juice |
Joyce | Orange juice |
Judy | Orange juice |
Jules | Fresh squeezed orange juice |
June | Raison |
Justin | Green beans |
Karen | Cooked carrots |
Karina | Green beans and a little bit of vinegar |
Katarina | Icicle |
Kate | Chocolate cake rolled up with vanilla ice cream |
Katherine | Vicks Vapor-Rub |
Katie | Chocolate cake |
Kay | Chocolate cake rolled up with vanilla ice cream |
Kaylea | Canned peaches |
Keith | Metallic taste |
Kellen | No taste at beginning of word but ends with a slight marshmallow taste |
Kelly | Cranberry sauce |
Kendra | Candy apple and salt (Betty first said "This is a weird combination.") |
Kerrie | Grape nuts - lettuce and vinegar (She looked puzzled as she tasted this name) |
Kesi (Kes see) | Chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream |
Kevin | Dressing |
Kiana | Angel food cake |
Kiel (pronounced Kyle) | Pie crust |
Kim | Tea |
Kirby | Shredded coconut |
Kirsten | (no taste) |
Kristin | Rice Krispy treats |
Kyle | Pie crust |
Kylie | Cooked pie crust |
Lacy | Chewing on cloth |
LaGrand | No taste |
Lance | Potted ham |
Lannie | Vanilla pudding |
Larry | Lettuce and vinegar |
Laura | Lettuce and vinegar |
Lauren | Lettuce and vinegar |
Lee | Canned peaches |
Lise (pronounced Lees) | Peaches |
Les | Lettuce and vinegar |
Lexie | Floor polish |
Lillian | Flower petal |
Linda | French onion soup |
Lindsay | Lemon pie filling |
Lisa | (no taste) |
Lita | Potato peeling |
Liz | Strawberry jello granules (out of the box) |
Lokie | Coconut |
Lowell | (no taste) |
Louis | Noodle soup |
Lynette | Peanut butter and honey |
Lynn | Peaches |
Madeline | Aspirin |
Maggie | Wet newspaper |
Makayla | Chocolate cake |
Marcella | Marshmallow |
Margaret | Bacon rinds |
Marie | Green onions and vinegar |
Marilyn | Cooked carrots |
Marion | Lemon pudding |
Marisa | Sheepshowers |
Maritza | Potato peelings |
Mark | (no taste) |
Marlene | Raw eggs |
Marvin | Gunk in sink trap (And that's why Betty calls her husband "Woody" instead) |
Martin | Don't know. Has several tastes and one has a 7up taste. |
Mary | Lemon pie filling |
Maurice | Three bean salad |
Maryanne | Lemon pudding and metallic |
Mathan | Lemon pie filling |
Matthew | Wet newspaper |
Maxine | Floor wax |
Megan | Fig Newton |
Milan (mi-lahn) | Vanilla milk shake |
Melissa | Onion soup |
Melvin | Milk toast with butter |
Mervin | Gunk in sink trap (same as Marvin) |
Michael | Banana popsicle |
Michelle | Sheepshowers |
Mike | Banana popsicle |
Miranda | Peppermint candy cane |
Missy | Onion soup |
Mister | (no taste) |
Misty | Daiquiri |
Molly | Macaroni and tomatoes (cooked) |
Muriel | Floor wax, and somehing else but can't recognize the taste so far |
Mykel (pronounced like Michael) | Banana popsicle |
Nancy | Snicker doodle |
Nathan | Potato peelings mixed with (something?) |
Neysa | (no taste) |
Nick | Latex with milk on it |
Noelia (Noel-ee-uh) | Green beans |
Norma | Macaroni and tomatoes |
Norman | Macaroni and tomatoes |
Orval | Egg nog |
Otto | (no taste) |
Padin | Old time school adhesive paste used by school children in the 1940s. |
Pam | Vanilla pudding |
Pat | Biscuit dough |
Pattie / Patty | Biscuit dough |
Paul | Vanilla malt ("Paul" is the word that taught her that other people don't taste names like she does. At a pajama party she said "Don't you just love how the word Paul tastes like? Tastes like a vanilla malt." "What?!! You taste NAMES?!!!" "Uh - no. Just kidding." |
Paula | Vanilla malt |
Penny | Metallic |
Peter | Bread soaked in water |
Phil | Cream cheese |
Phillip | Chicken and dumplings |
Phyllis | Cream cheese |
Pierre | Apple pie |
Rachel | Spinach |
Randy | Candy cane |
Raymond | "Ray" tastes like an eraser, and "mond" has a different taste but can't determine at present what it is. (Added later): "mond" tastes like fizz ... such as a seltzer fizz. |
Reed | Green beans |
Ren'ee (and Renee) | Eraser |
Republican | Cherry cobbler (hot) |
Richard | Cinnamon roll |
Richie | Cinnamon roll |
Rita | Potato peeling |
Robert | Mashed strawberries and cherries |
Robin | Mashed strawberries and cherries |
Rod | Cooked cherries |
Rodney (See repeat query)-> |
Cooked cherries (Months Later - with a repeat query:) Strawberries and cherries mashed up. |
Roger | Smashed up strawberries and cherries |
Ron | Coconut |
Ronald | Coconut |
Rose | Rose petal and hot rolls |
Rowan (Row-un) | Hot yeast roll |
Rudy | Juicy fruit gum |
Ruth | Baby Ruth candy bar |
Ryan | French onion soup |
Sadie | Potato salad |
Sally | Potato salad with mustard |
Sandra | Salt water |
Sandrei | Salt water |
Sarah | Sorghum molasses |
Sarge | Peanut butter |
Scott |
Kraft vanilla caramels![]() |
Shalyn | "Sha" has no taste, and "lyn" tastes like peaches |
Sharon | Chocolate covered cherries |
Shaun | Orange chiffon cake |
Shelly | Sheep showers |
Sherri | Canned cherries (Sherri name added about 8 years later than Sherrye) |
Sherrye | Chocolate covered cherries |
Shirley | Hershey bar |
Skip | Kraft vanilla caramel |
Sopharia | (no taste) |
Spencer | Spinach |
Steve | Macaroni and tomatoes |
Steven | Macaroni and tomatoes |
Street | Can't figure out taste. Strong peach taste with many other tastes thrown in. |
Stuart | Paint |
Susan | Honey |
Suzy | Honey |
Sven | (no taste) |
Sylvia | Floor wax |
Talan | Vanilla pudding, but with kind of a caramel sauce mixed in with it. |
Tamara | Vanilla pudding |
Taylor | Boiled shrimp |
Tessi | Tootsie roll |
Thaxton | Cracker jacks |
Theda | Potato peelings |
Thelda | Milk toast |
Thelma | Rubbing alcohol |
Theodor / Theodore | Meatloaf |
Theresa | Orange juice |
Thomas | Peanut |
Throckmorton | Morton's potted ham |
Timothy | Hot tea |
Todd | Cooked mushrooms |
Tom | Peanut |
Toni / Tony | Macaroni with tomatoes |
Torie | French toast |
Tracy | Eraser |
Tram | (no taste) |
Twila | Rubbing alcohol |
Verda | (no taste) |
Vicki | Vicks Vapor Rub |
Viola | Flower petal |
Virgene | Ginger bread |
Vivian | Potted ham |
Walburga | Waffle with nuts in it followed by hamburger meat |
Walter | Waffle, syrup, butter |
Wanda | 7-up |
Wayne | (no taste) |
Whit | Cotton cloth |
Whitney | Cotton cloth |
William | Cornbread and milk |
Windy | (no taste) |
Wolfgang | (no taste) |
Woody | Wood |
Yolanda | Sponge cake and 7-up |
Yvonne | Pecan pie |
Zack | Cracker jacks |
Zee | Rubbing alcohol |
Zelma | Navy beans |
The taste of names to Betty did not change over a lifetime. Former grade school students of Betty's, now adults, tried to trip her with blind requests, with Betty not aware of who was requesting to know what their name tasted like. They were amazed that 25 or so years later, the taste of their names remained exactly the same.
an article from 1982 about Betty's appearance on HBO and the National Enquirer.
To see Betty from August 2006, see
betty on channel 5.mp4
Updated Jan 1, 2023 Some synesthesia medical sites and FAQs: