Purple Heart

When you're sent into combat you're scared as hell
You pray you don't freeze and you come out well

When the action begins and the guns start to fire
You pray like hell, but the straits are dire

The fear is so real you want to take flight
But you know you must stay and you must fight

There is an explosion and you feel pain
Your only thought is 'My God it's insane

It's unbearable, the pain and the fear
And for long moments you can't hear

Finally, you hear your name, it scans so distant
You think you're dead for an instant

You hear your name again, are you all right?
You blink and look at the lights in the night

You stupidly stare in shocked disbelief
At those who died and show your grief

A Purple Heart they presented to me
A beautiful medal we all can agree

But it can not heal the scars in my head
You see, I'm alive while others are Dead

Clifford L. Barnard

Copyright ©2000 Clifford Barnard