The Cotter Brothers Bring May & Idella's
Piano to Life!!
The Cotter brothers were in town a few months ago (April 2009) and happened to see the museum open. They were looking for Marlowe ancestors, and Virginia Hayes was able to help them out, and suggested they also try the Hinton musuem. (And by the way, they took Highway 37, which we have since learned crosses the old California Road of the 1849ers many times.) In Hinton, they found more information which cleared up mysteries. But before they left, they sat down and, as they put it, "assaulted" May and Idella's piano with some great music. I asked them if they could play something I could record for posterity, and in the background you're hearing (hopefully) that great music. That museum was rocking!! Don't know who May and Idella were? They were born roughly 1890 and 1898, and were the popular, ever loveable "Old Maids" of our town. See below: