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Guide for Individual Class Reunions
by Marvin Woodworth, class of '55

Occasionally there are individual classes that would like to set up reunions for their own classes, separate from the main bi-annual MHS alumni reunion .  Usually these are desired to be in a location near the regular alumni reunion for MHS and on the same weekend, as it seems that there just isn't enough time to visit with classmates before and after the MHS alumni banquet.  However, there has been some uncertainty as to who is responsible for setting up these individual class reunions.  There are rules for that, but not officially documented as such.

Composition of Reunion Committees:
In my own case, when it approached time to have a 50th class reunion, I was reminded by a class officer that "Senior class officers are class officers for life".  In surfing the internet, I found this is indeed The Unwritten Law of Class Reunions.  As one high school alumni on a web page expressed, "This is one election I'm glad I lost, because senior class officers are saddled with the responsibility for class reunions  for the rest of their lives.".

Another commercial web site that hires out to assist with reunions says on their FAQs web page:
Q: Who decides where to hold the reunion?
A: The reunion committee from your class (usually your senior class officers) will make this decision.

There is often a distance problem with class officers being located far from their high school, and unable to attend or organize a reunion.   Although responsibility remains with the class officers, that responsibility could be delegated to a "Reunion Committee" of graduates from the same class who all live in Minco or close by.  A local "Reunion Committee Chairman" and "Secretary/Treasurer" could be appointed by the class officers, or however the officers decide.   Class volunteers would be recognized as "Reunion Committee Members" and documented and credited as such.

If one doesn't recall who one's senior class officers were, one can determine that by viewing their senior class photos on the Sr Group Pics.

Time Constraints for Individual Class Reunions at MHS:
In the case of Minco High School reunions, the individual class reunion committees have a problem in selecting when to have reunions due to the fact MHS has reunions only on odd numbered years.  A class that graduated on an even year, such as 1972, would be able to meet concurrently with the overall MHS alumni reunion only on odd years such as the 5th, 15th, 25th, 35th, ...,  and 51st anniversaries.  It could not meet concurrently on its 10th, 20th, and 50th.    The MHS Alumni Association celebrates both its 50th and 51st year anniversary classes as "50th Anniversary" classes.  

 On the other hand, a class graduating on an odd year, such as 1955, could not meet concurrently with the overall alumni reunion on the 25th (or any other odd year anniversary), but it could on the 20th and 50th (or other even year anniversary).

Insofar as locations for individual class reunions (separate from the main MHS reunion), one class has met in Johnson's Park, and one in the First National Bank conference room.  Other possibilities are local churches.  The Sr Citizens Center is a convenient location, but a fee would apply.

If class officers need assistance with organizing an individual class reunion, the MHS Alumni Association officers may be able to help.


