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The MHS Alumni's next reunion is per the
following flyer. 2024 Minco High School Alumni Banquet Hello Minco Alumni!! The Minco Alumni Officers are excited to invite YOU ALL to come to the Minco Alumni Banquet. Please come join the fun and fellowship to honor ALL Minco Alumni!! It is a great opportunity to visit the state-of-the-art Minco High School, and enjoy wonderful air conditioning, comfortable auditorium seats, and great audio! The classes to be recognized this year will be 1973, 1974, 1998, and 1999. We will also honor our Alumni who graduated 70 years ago or more, and those who traveled the longest distance. Please contact your classmates so we can have a large attendance for all years. Everyone's help is needed to keep addresses current for our Alumni. If you know of someone who did not get an invitation, please contact us. Address changes can be sent to Peggy Hurley-Boswell at mathcoach22@sbcglotal.net, or Linda Hatcher-Henderson email superrep01@yahoo.com. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND!!! There will be photo opportunities, entertainment, great food, memorable camaraderie, and just lots of fun!! Where would it be better to connect and renew friendships than this event??!! Klein's Catering from Perry will be serving the meal, which will give us several selections. Alumni Officers are President: Peggy Hurley-Boswell (405-245-4181), Vice-President: Tina Craig, Secretary-Linda Hatcher-Henderson, and Treasurer-Vicki Craig. Visit the Alumni website at http://www.minco-ok.com/alum maintained by Marvin Woodworth, class of 1955. Visit the the Minco Historical Museum that day from 9:30 a.m. to noon, and after the banquet.
For a printable reunion flyer in PDF format, click here.
======================================= Greetings, Minco High School Alumni!! This site was established so that you can keep up with classmates and the "old school". Audrey Rice Audrey.Rice@hotmail.com (Questions? Contact the webmeister Marvin "Woody" Woodworth at mwoodworth@cox.net) CLASSIC CLASS PICS "Golden oldie" and current pics for each class. (You don't have any miscellaneous "what not' pictures of your class shown in the individual class pages? Send in your class pics to the webmeister shown at bottom of this page.) Address Updates: The alumni association has the formidable task of trying to keep up with the addresses of all of its alumni, so that alumni can receive reunion announcements. Please help the association by updating your snail mail and e-mail addresses. You may submit this information by contacting one of the officers or the webmeister at mwoodworth@cox.net. MISSING ALUMNI: We've compiled a list of missing alumni that perhaps you can help us out with. This list is of those we KNOW the address is bad, and does not include those addresses we have not yet learned are invalid. Perhaps you can take a look at this list of missing alumni and tell us what has happened to them or provide us with addresses. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Fun stuff: Click here to determine the #1 song when you graduated ...started 1st grade ... the Jr-Sr prom. etc. A look back in history for articles of early MHS alumni meetings. And if you want to view class pictures of Minco's alumni from the early days to the present, see the Senior Group Pictures.
Click on the bulldog
Contact for web site: mwoodworth@cox.net