Issues of MIL-STD-804
MIL-STD-804 (Original) 15 April 1960 with Notice 1
Establishes prefixes only. NO
type codes.
MIL-STD-804A 1 Sept 1962 with Notices 1, 2, 3, 4
Establishes strange mix of prefixes
and extensive list of "type codes", all to go in same column.
MIL-STD-804B 15 August 1966
Abolishes all of the previous long
list of "type codes" created in 804A, as all of the type codes
were unused by ALL users, had no use for them, and
users didn't know what they meant anyway.
However, it did retain all of the the true drawing prefixes
established by drafting offices to lists
and associated documents.
However, in a erroneous action,
MIL-STD-804B referred to the document prefixes "type codes"
The drawing system has no "type
codes", and has never referred to the prefixes as "type codes".
The drawing system always referred to
the prefixes as "prefixes", and NEVER as "type codes".
MIL-STD-804 Prefix and Type Codes: A Problem in Populating the JEDMICS System
OC-ALC/TILDO Recommended Document Types
LETTER: Standard Data Element Usage A
letter from OC-ALC/TILD to HQ asking to standardize
the prefix/type and
document fields in JEDMICS
LETTER: Joint Engineering
Data Management Information Control System
(JEDMICS) Type Code/Prefix Survey This is a letter telling HQ
"Nobody uses type codes
but they do use the document prefixes." Contains survey of actual users,
which conflicts
with incorrect impressions of repository personnel. Asks HQ to get rid of
all the type codes.
as no
one uses them.
(Consensus views of the JEDMICS task group and
added recommendations)
This was what was agreed to in Jan 1999 at a task group meeting in the OC-ALC/TILDO
conference room.
Seems there was a slight departure in a later meeting after I retired.
Don't know results.
PRESENTATION WR-ALC: "Type Codes vs Prefix Codes in
DOD Repositories", Fall 1998(?)
This is a simple presentation, but it worked. Lacks the narrative.
Type Codes vs Prefix Codes in DOD Repositories
Tells about how Boeing tried to come up with program
they could use internally and also ship drawings and associated lists to
JEDMICS, only to find out that altho complying with MIL-STD-1840 they still
do use it to transfer some data to JEDMICS.
This paper also shows the differing "type codes" used by different offices.
Timeline discussion of MIL-STD-804
Not proof read.
Tentative. Subject to change.